This short clip will forever change the way you look at your cell phone.
A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los
Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Hospital to issue warnings to their patients about the dangers of cell phone use, which he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell phone industry retaliated against
Leszczynski by lobbying to have his funding stopped and in the meantime, insurance companies stopped coverage for health damages related to cell phone use. Watch
this video and readmore.............
A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Hospital to issue warnings to their patients about the dangers of cell phone use, which he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski by lobbying to have his funding stopped and in the meantime, insurance companies stopped coverage for health damages related to cell phone use. - See more at:
A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Hospital to issue warnings to their patients about the dangers of cell phone use, which he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski by lobbying to have his funding stopped and in the meantime, insurance companies stopped coverage for health damages related to cell phone use. - See more at:
A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Hospital to issue warnings to their patients about the dangers of cell phone use, which he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski by lobbying to have his funding stopped and in the meantime, insurance companies stopped coverage for health damages related to cell phone use. - See more at:
Brain Tumors Associated with
Cell phone Use Has Replaced
Leukemia as the #1 Child-Killer
This short clip will forever change the way you look at your cell phone.
A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Hospital to issue
warnings to their patients about the dangers of cell phone use, which he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski by lobbying to have his funding
stopped and in the meantime, insurance companies stopped coverage for health damages related to cell phone use.
Cellphone Use Has Replaced
Leukemia as the #1 Child-Killer - See more at:
Cellphone Use Has Replaced
Leukemia as the #1 Child-Killer - See more at:
Cellphone Use Has Replaced
Leukemia as the #1 Child-Killer - See more at:
Cellphone Use Has Replaced
Leukemia as the - See more at:
Cellphone Use Has Replaced
Leukemia as the - See more at:
Cellphone Use Has Replaced
Leukemia as the #1 Child-Killer - See more at:
Artificial hamburger meat successfully grown in vat of bovine fetal cells; You want some fries with that? (NaturalNews) I'm not sure which is the more offensive way to create meat. There's the current "factory farm" method where masses of hormone-jacked, antibiotics-injected cows are kept confined in what can only be called bovine concentration camps while... |
Lack of security at labs handling world's deadliest pathogens could lead to epic pandemic (NaturalNews) The mainstream media appears to be priming the public consciousness once again for the inevitable release of a highly-deadly pathogen in the very near future. A recent Reuters report explains that many of the world's biosafety level... |
Attractive females targeted by TSA agents for multiple naked body scanner screenings (NaturalNews) At least 500 women have filed complaints alleging that U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners at various American airports specifically targeted them for sometimes multiple pass-throughs in the agency's illegal naked... |
British government considers using nerve agents on their own people (NaturalNews) British government may use nerve agents on their own people, leading neuroscientists have warned. The agents to be used by police would be banned under an international treaty on chemical weapons, however the government may use a loophole... |
NutraSweet Company brags about the second coming of aspartame: Neotame now taking over world markets (NaturalNews) When the NutraSweet Company first began petitioning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve aspartame as a food additive back in the early 1970s, it had every intention of conniving its way to success by whatever means possible... |
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may be dangerous to your health (NaturalNews) Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) is the technical term for a type of fat (fatty acid) with two or more (poly) double bonds (unsaturated). They exist in many different forms, varying in chain length, degree of unsaturation, and rotation... |
Prevent or reverse kidney disease and renal failure in cats with Slippery Elm Bark (NaturalNews) Using herbs to treat cats is generally contraindicated due to their extreme sensitivity and tendency to react negatively; however, slippery elm bark has been found effective and safe for use in cats. It is especially good for treating |
Bill Gates is the Sperminator (cartoon) (NaturalNews) What do you call a guy who is obsessed with destroying human sperm and depopulating the planet? The Sperminator, of course. Much like the Terminator played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movies, the Sperminator is... |
Vaccines for everything: Researchers now on brink of developing salmonella jab (NaturalNews) The vaccine industry is currently hard at work trying to churn out a vaccine for salmonella, a typically food borne pathogen that thrives on factory farms and in other unsanitary settings. CBS 13 News in Sacramento reports that researchers... |
Why the medical establishment will never find a cause or cure for autism (NaturalNews) No matter how you look at it, autism research is big business. Just like the Susan G. Komen Foundation's "Race for the Cure" for breast cancer, the autism industry pretends to be looking for the causes of autism and how to cure it, when... |
'Science' editor says he plans to publish controversial H5N1 avian flu study in defiance of government
recommendations (NaturalNews) For the past few months, the journals Nature and Science have been deliberating with both the research community and the U.S. government about how to handle the publishing of sensitive information about a militarized strain... |
there a belly fat diet that really works? (NaturalNews) People think of dieting as a quick fix. Pictures of well-toned bodies are sold for the idea that one can have well-toned abs or a sexy body by simply buying this gadget or this supplement meant to speed up the metabolism. In a nutshell... |
Beat Big Pharma drug prices and chemical additives - Make your own safe, high quality, natural topical ointments at
home (NaturalNews) Consumers are bombarded daily by pharmaceutical company hype over the promise of clear skin and painless backsides achieved by using ineffective and sometimes dangerous topical applications for everything from hemorrhoids to eczema and acne... |
Ways to naturally improve your focus and concentration (NaturalNews) We've all been through periods of time where we just can't seem to focus on any one thing. We may be scattered, easily distracted and unable to formulate consistent or productive thoughts. There are many reasons for this. Fortunately there... |
Babies fed solid foods more likely to develop healthy eating habits (NaturalNews) A recent study carried out by scientists at the University of Nottingham reveals that weaning babies with solid finger food can help them develop healthier food preferences later on in life. By contrast, spoon-feeding babies with pureed... |
FBI seeks developer for app to track threats on social media (NaturalNews) By now it should be painfully obvious that those who mean to rule us will use any method necessary in order to keep the unwashed masses under their control, regardless of whether that quaint historic document known as our Constitution... |
Study: Roundup diluted by 99.8 percent still destroys human DNA (NaturalNews) A new study published in the journal Archives of Toxicology proves once again that there really is no safe level of exposure to Monsanto's Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide formula for genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). According... |
Study: Combination tetanus, whooping cough vaccine linked to seizures in babies (NaturalNews) If you choose to have your baby vaccinated with the combination diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), polio and Haemophilus influenzae type 2 vaccine, a mega-jab collectively known as the DTap-IPV-Hib, your child may be at an... |
Top 5 best exercises to lose belly fat (NaturalNews) Who doesn't want flat abs? People desperate to lose weight will willingly starve themselves, take expensive supplements or do the latest fad diet that promises to give them that flawless figure in 30 days. Thankfully, belly fat is metabolically... |
Evidence shows diet soda is not a healthy weight loss product (NaturalNews) Artificially sweetened drinks are often promoted as healthy alternatives for weight loss and diabetes because they are low in calories and don't contain sugar. However, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that these diet sodas are harmful... |
The myth of the 'low-fat' diet, and why consuming healthy fats is vital to your health (NaturalNews) Many people today still adhere to the misguided belief that nearly all fats are bad, and that the best way to stay slim and healthy is to cut fats, whenever possible, from your diet. On the contrary, fats are an absolutely vital component... |
How to grow big, fat happy worms and beautiful compost (NaturalNews) Good soil is crucial to a productive garden. Healthy soil will contain live microbes that are mostly dormant when soil is the typical, neglected landscape. Microbes rapidly propagate when soil is nurtured by controlling moisture and organic... |
Seven things your psychiatrist doesn't want you to know (NaturalNews) The information in this article comes from my personal experience as a licensed mental health counselor. One of my missions as a member of the ... |
Ron Paul says America is 'slipping into a fascist system' (NaturalNews) You may have grown weary of listening to the candidates vying for our nation's highest office in November, so I completely understand if you have all but tuned out the rhetoric and noise coming from the campaign trail. But sometimes... |
Fukushima radiation detected 400 miles away in Pacific Ocean at levels 1,000 times higher than previous readings (NaturalNews) The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is far from over, as new reports explains that water samples taken nearly 400 miles off the coast of Japan in the Pacific Ocean are showing radiation levels of up to 1,000 times higher than previous... |
Unvaccinated people a public health threat? Nope, people who take antibiotics are the real danger (NaturalNews) Vaccine pushers often resort to an interesting fear tactic to try to mandate vaccine obedience among the masses: They insist that those who are unvaccinated are a health threat to the rest of the vaccinated population because the... |
Sleeping pills linked to 460 percent increase in sudden death (NaturalNews) If you take pharmaceutical sleeping pills to help alleviate insomnia, you are very likely putting yourself at serious risk of developing cancer or even dying. A new study published in BMJ Open, an open-access journal that is part... |
Study: Bt toxin in GM crops kills non-target species (NaturalNews) A new study out of Switzerland confirms once again that Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin, the nefarious pesticide produced by certain genetically-modified (GM) crops, is harming non-target species. Published in the journal Environmental... |
Welfare debit cards frequently used at liquor stores, strip clubs, casinos and amusement parks (NaturalNews) An investigation by Colorado officials has found that welfare recipients are using their assistance debit cards to withdraw funds at ATMs located... |
Broccoli delivers a one-two punch to prevent cancer development and progression (NaturalNews) Broccoli is a super star member of the cruciferous family, well known and documented as an immune boosting food that supports the healthy clearance of aberrant cancer cells before they multiply and develop into detectable tumors. Researchers... |
Forget sports drinks: Coconut water is the perfect fluid to replenish your body's electrolyte balance after heavy exercise (NaturalNews) In most cases, the best way to restore your body's fluids and electrolytes after exercise is simply with water and food, particularly fruit. In cases of severe exertion or illness, however, a quick electrolyte boost may be necessary. For... |
Amazing facts about psychiatry revealed by psychiatric reformer, Peter Breggin, MD, on Mental Health Exposed, March 7, 2012 (NaturalNews) I can't think of a more fitting first guest for Mental Health Exposed. Our mission is to expose the fraud, abuse and incompetence in the mental health industry, as well as promote natural and effective methods of healing. Peter Breggin,... |
Common pesticides double children's risk of ADHD (NaturalNews) Many people think organic fruits and vegetables are too expensive to buy for family meals. But those who have a hyperactive child should think again. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 4.5 million... |
Woman reverses Lyme disease with raw milk fasting (NaturalNews) A woman reports that she has reversed Lyme disease by fasting with raw milk. This is not a suggestion for Lyme disease suffers, but a confirmation that raw milk from grass fed cows does have health-promoting properties. Most Lyme disease... |
U.S. Army dietician promotes mess hall labeling system that places warning on desserts and fried foods (NaturalNews) If you've ever known anyone who's been in the military, no doubt you've heard horror stories about how bad the chow is. In fact, one of a service member's favorite pastimes is joking about the food. But in the new age of military cuts, some... |
Coriander oil (cilantro) can be used to treat food poisoning and drug-resistant infections (NaturalNews) Food-borne illness outbreaks and the growing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" are two very serious societal problems for which researchers say they are actively looking for viable solutions. But one such solution found right... |
AntiSec (Anonymous) engages in social justice hacking of Monsanto (NaturalNews) The hacker community has risen to the challenge of targeting the single most evil corporation in the world -- a corporation responsible for countless crimes against humanity and the attempted overthrow of global agriculture. That firm, of... |
Federal law: Every living American can be arrested right now for felony possession of drugs made in their own brains (NaturalNews) If you are reading this, you are guilty of felony possession of a Schedule I controlled substance. This is not a joke. You, like everyone else who is alive and breathing, can be arrested right now by the U.S. federal government, charged... |
U.S. ranks first in healthcare spending but last in life expectancy (NaturalNews) If you think pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, and various other instruments of modern Western medicine are responsible for improving quality of life and increasing the average lifespan in America, think again. A report recently issued by... |
Daniel Ellsberg says Obama should be impeached over NDAA (NaturalNews) These days, political historians are about the only ones who know who Daniel Ellsberg is. That's because his heyday, so to speak, took place more than 40 years ago. For those who are not familiar with Ellsberg, he became famous during... |
Top five medicinal herbs that help fight influenza (NaturalNews) Using herbal medicines to fend off sicknesses is a traditional practice that still lives on today. Experts debate about the effectiveness of these herbs in preventing influenza and other kinds of diseases because of a lack of evidence. On... |
Teen dies from flu after receiving flu shot (NaturalNews) A second Minnesota teenager has reportedly died from complications of infection with influenza Type A during this current flu season, prompting health officials across the state to urge the public to get flu shots for their own protection... |
How meditation changes brain rhythms to sooth pain and depression (NaturalNews) Meditation isn't only a way to relax or a throw-back to the 1960s when the Beatles first made the practice popular in the U.S. In fact, in recent years, mainstream scientists have published several studies showing that mindfulness meditation... |
More U.S. states now seek to limit use of drones (NaturalNews) As drone usage proliferates among federal agencies and the U.S. military, an increasing number of states are fighting back with legislation aimed at limiting or banning outright the use of the unmanned surveillance vehicles in their airspace... |
India passes GMO labeling law, but some worry its provisions were poorly planned (NaturalNews) The world's second most populous country, India, has finally given some teeth to an earlier draft ruling from 2006 that mandates the labeling of all foods that contain genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). And while the move represents... |
Amish children are remarkably immune to allergies, says expert (NaturalNews) The Amish, it seems, place themselves at risk every day of their lives. They refuse to vaccinate their children, exposing themselves to disease. They drink raw cow's milk, exposing themselves to salmonella. They even - and this is really... |
Dietary secrets for autistic children (NaturalNews) If you are the parent or guardian of a child with autism, then you already know how difficult it can be to deal with all the erratic outbursts, chronic speech impediments, learning deficiencies, and other behavioral and cognitive abnormalities... |
Facebook blocks Jon Rappoport's articles (NaturalNews) I became aware of the block and censorship a few days ago, soon after I wrote and published the article: "Ruthless State of the Union: current crime boss speaks." ... |
Obese moms-to-be show abnormal brain activity in developing fetuses (NaturalNews) A recent study, presented on February 15, involving 16 pregnant women, divided evenly between obese and lean subjects, conducted at the Mother Infant Research Institute (MIRI) at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, "found that... |
Fourth Amendment protester may win wrongful detainment lawsuit against feds (NaturalNews) A man who used a marker to write an abbreviated version of the Fourth Amendment on his chest and abdomen, then stripped to his skivvies at an airport security screening area, won't be jailed for the incident. In fact, he may even receive... |
Preventive natural medicine can curb spiraling medical costs - here's how (NaturalNews) The prevailing healthcare model in America today, although slowly evolving, is still focused primarily on treating people after they become ill rather than on preventing them from becoming ill in the first place through nutrition and lifestyle... |
Parenting 101: Favoring one child gives them all mental health problems (NaturalNews) When parents play favorites among their children, it's not just the less-favored child who develops mental health problems, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Toronto, McMaster University,... |
General Mills pulls Cheerios 'app' following groundswell of GMO opposition (NaturalNews) A social media marketing experiment recently launched by food giant General Mills went down in flames less than one day after it was created following a groundswell of opposition to the company's hidden use of genetically-modified organisms... |
Mexican government forces sterilization on nine-year-old mother (NaturalNews) A bizarre series of events that took place in the western Jalisco state of Mexico has led to the forced sterilization of a young girl who recently gave birth to her first, and now only, child. According to the U.K.'s Daily Mail, nine... |
All GMO approvals in Brazil are illegal, says whistleblowing regulator (NaturalNews) It may not come as much of a surprise to our regular readers, but the biotechnology industry as we currently know it is intrinsically corrupt. And a government official-turned-whistleblower from Brazil recently admitted in a government report... |
Even pro-glyphosate scientists admit chemical-resistant 'superweeds' may destroy future of herbicides, GMOs (NaturalNews) There has been quite a bit of media coverage recently about the environmental threats of continued overuse of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, a glyphosate-based chemical solution that continues to be liberally sprayed on tens of millions of... |
Israel soon to ban "the most damaging environmental pollutant of the cold war" - Will the U.S. follow suit? (NaturalNews) Unlike the United States, which continues to poison its population with fluoridated water, the Supreme Court of Israel has ordered the country to stop adding the toxin to all water supplies by next year. Considering fluoride is linked with... |
Parents charged with murder of baby that was actually killed by vaccines (NaturalNews) Parents in South Africa could face life in prison if convicted of murdering their baby girl, who died just days after being given what reports say were routine vaccinations. According to a report at, the child, known... |
GMOs in water supply may be behind Fronterra botulism scare in New Zealand (NaturalNews) The world's largest dairy exporter, New Zealand, is struggling to maintain its prized reputation as a global leader in high-quality dairy production following a recent botulism scare involving whey protein manufactured by the country's largest... |
Lutein and Zeaxanthin: How to keep your eyes healthy (NaturalNews) Lutein and Zeaxanthin are a group of carotenoids that are responsible for giving plants their yellow and red-orange pigment. In humans, the two substances play important roles in vision, eye pigmentation, and may even help prevent atherosclerosis... |
Probiotics are a MUST for type-2 diabetics: Research (NaturalNews) It's common for many, especially members of the mainstream medical profession, to be ignorant of the importance of probiotics. While antibiotics that turn gastrointestinal tracts into killing fields are routinely prescribed, probiotics to... |
Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections continue to rise: Just
how inept is the conventional medical industry? (NaturalNews) A storm of epic proportions is brewing. No, not your typical rain storm, but a bacterial storm in which antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" threaten to take over hospitals, critical care facilities, and various other elements of the healthcare... |
Four common foods that add inches to your waistline (NaturalNews) In the battle against excess weight, people often find it difficult to give up many of their favorite foods. You know well what's best for your health, and what would destroy your diet plan, but putting it into practice is often a completely... |
Federal courts obstructing BP lawsuit: Evidence proven (NaturalNews) The April 2010 British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was one of the worst environmental accidents in U.S. history, but what is perhaps equally damaging are the legal machinations which have since occurred behind the scenes. Enter... |
Print Error: How manufacturers design inkjet printers to waste ink (NaturalNews) Every time you print a page on your inkjet printer, the printer forces you to waste ink. The companies who sell printers and accompanying cartridges build this automatic waste feature into their printers for profit. By structuring their... |
Four unhealthy habits that are crushing your fitness goals (NaturalNews) Staying fit and healthy is not easy. Even when good habits are practiced, such as eating right and exercising, fitness goals can seem forever unattainable. Sometimes, unhealthy habits picked up over the years can be the reason,and it is... |
Stressed? Fatigued? Check your vitamin D levels: Research (NaturalNews) Now there's evidence that stress, fatigue, and depression are connected to low serum levels of vitamin D, in addition to known immunity, illness and disease issues. The more up-to-date integrative or holistic MDs and naturopaths recognize... |
Battery breakthrough? Membraneless 'flow battery' stores 10 times
the energy of lithium-ion (NaturalNews) New technology developed at MIT could revolutionize storable energy power, according to information recently released by the school. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have managed to engineer a new rechargeable... |
Coffee drinkers live longer (NaturalNews) There is new evidence about the health benefits of coffee. Coffee drinkers are a little bit likelier to live longer than those people who do not drink coffee at all. The study claims it does not even matter whether one drinks decaf or regular... |
Big Pharma invents yet another disease to sell deadly drugs: 'Shift Work Disorder' now used to push medication that may kill you (NaturalNews) Ever heard of "shift work disorder?" It's a new disease being played up by the pharmaceutical industry to sell drugs so dangerous that even the home page of the drug website admits the drug may kill you. One such drug is called "Nuvigil... |
Prescription drug death epidemic continues: Can Big Pharma be
stopped? (NaturalNews) Death by prescription drug continues to be a major health problem in the United States, as Big Pharma remains influential and dominant in traditional medical practice. But a noted neurosurgeon and contributing CNN health expert may... |