:: About The Global Connection Network (GlobalCnet)
Life's abundance is not something you have to go out and get.
It's something you go in and accept, then go out and express.
Thank you for visiting our Web Site. We welcome the opportunity to share immagination, intuitive breakthrough communication and
authentic, unconditional growth together.
Life or Holistic Coaching means that we support each other in becoming the best we can be. It's important that you feel comfortable
and we understand the concept and vision together.
As a published author, it was my intention that this "web gateway" be informational, easy to understand and for some further
educational. There is always another way to find solutions - explore how others found success.
The quality of our many venures produces the quality of our life.
Follow the directory links to new and shared understanding on Connection - Challenge - Holistic Health and Healing - and a Library and Resource Centers to help with decisions and directions.
You may save an Opportunity or even a Human Life!
If you have a comment or any questions, your observations and suggestions are gratefully welcomed. Please, feel free to use this contact form and we will answer you promply.
Michael J. Malette, Founder, Global Connection Network, Inc.
The thoughts and resources on this page are not presented to replace or change any medical advise from your Professional Care Specialists. These links are only intended to assist you in seeking more information and alternative thought on challenge. Each web site will share their own thought and recomendations, use their key thoughts or words to continue your own search. With millions of WWW Sites available, increasing your understanding and knowledge should give you a better direction for greater happiness.
It is our pleasure, purpose and goal to share Connection - Holistic Lifestyle - Alternative Healing Treatments - Living Happier with New Thought - from original sources.
GlobalCnet is a collection of original thought, clinical trials, new ideas, and found expert advice. We have assembled extensive information and facts to inspire YOU to further your education, skills, and desires on your specific subjects. When you click on blue links, do your research, and observe all the other articles available to you, copy what you need. GlobalCnet connects you, you make better-informed decisions.
The original authors, like Harvard University, MedNet, Unstuck.com, Web MD, Readers Digest, Mental Health documents, Worldwide news, valuable Life Lessons, and real-life stories. Millions of Web Sites have written, published, and illustrated information for your benefit, your personal growth, and your pleasure. Find it, use it share it.
GlobalCnet just connected you.
It is our hope that you use all information for further answerers, ideas for more exploration, and the wisdom to share discoveries with others. It is all about having the right fast or safe connections. Everything has already been discovered, be smart, and use proven methods and spin your solutions to fit your needs.
Some of the connections may present the ability to buy a product, you don't have to buy anything, but you get to read and understand the contents free. GlobalCnet is passing this vital information to you, connecting you, with no profit. All information can be vital to living happier and healthier. This new-found information could save your life or the life and happiness of another. Be healthier.
Any questions, comments, or just say hello...please leave a webmail .
OK...you are now on GlobalCnet. You can use the SEARCH BAR to quickly find subject information, or you can visit all the pages. Your involvement will be an organized starting point leading to answers to your questions.......just use it. Type in a word and hit search.
- Michael J. Malette
Founder, Global Connection Network, Inc.
Guest Counter (Start date 1/12/11)
You can accomplish great things, yet you must always do it one moment at a time.
Today is filled with a wealth of those moments.............
Check out the latest NEWS...some scary, some crazy but all very informative...
Personal Growth Courses
Free Online Courses To Inspire Personal Growth
The powerful lessons in these personal growth courses contain thought-provoking essays, quotes from some of the greatest thinkers ever, beautiful photos, moving
online videos, and empowering exercises designed to inspire and bring greater understanding and deeper meaning to your life. Promote your personal growth and treat yourself to the treasure chest of
inspiration and education here.
Click on these direct Globalcnet links and find specific information fast... DO IT NOW.
- How we Connect, How a connection works, click here
- Our many LIFE CONNECTIONS, click here
- BE SMART, HEALTH/LIFE Questions answered, click here
- Current NEWS click this link
- LIFE CHALLENGES on your specific needs, conditions, thoughts for you,
or a friend, click on this link and look to your left
- Answers to 1000,s of Medical and Life QUSTIONS, click here
- HARVARD UNIVERSITY Health Information, click here
- WEDMD answers your medical questions, click here
- Alternative Medicine and HEALTH IDEAS, click here
- CRITICALhealth for Chronic Disease, click here
- 55+ Healthy Living ideas, click here
- PAIN MANAGEMENT, click here
- Holistic Health, Lifestyle Canges, Healthy Aging, click here
- Staying Healthy, click here
- Getting your life UNSTUCK, click here
- Using POSITIVE Pyscology for Happier Living, click here
- HOME PAGE 100's of additional places to visit, BE SMART, learn
and start you journey on the GlobalCnet enloy, click link
- Leave a Web Mail, a coment, question suggestions or just
to say hello. Was GlobalCnet helpful? Your answers are all
appreciated, click here