JAY Program
It is our pleasure, purpose and goal to share Connection - Holistic Lifestyle - Alternative Healing Treatments - Living Happier with New Thought - from original sources.
GlobalCnet is a collection of original thoughts, clinical trials, new ideas, and found expert advice. We have assembled extensive information and facts to inspire YOU to further your education, skills, and desires in your specific subjects. When you click on blue links, do your research, and observe all the other articles available to you, copy what you need. GlobalCnet connects you, you make better-informed decisions.
The original authors, like Harvard University, MedNet, Unstuck.com, Readers Digest, Mental Health documents, Worldwide news, and millions of Web Sites have written, published, and illustrated information for your benefit, personal growth, and pleasure.
GlobalCnet just connected you.
It is our hope that you use all information for further answerers, ideas for more exploration, and the wisdom to share discoveries with others. It is all about having the right fast or safe connections. Everything has already been discovered, be smart and use proven methods and spin your solutions to fit your needs.
Some of the connections may present the ability to buy a product, you can if you want or just read the contents. GlobalCnet is passing this vital information to you, connecting you, with no profit. All information can be vital to living happier and healthier. This newfound information could save your life or the life and happiness of another. Be healthier.
Any questions, comments, or just say hello...leave webmail.
OK...you are now on GlobalCnet. You can use the SEARCH BAR to quickly find subject information, or you can visit all the pages. Your involvement will be organized starting points leading to answers to your questions.......just use it. Type in a word and hit search.
- Michael J. Malette
Founder, Global Connection Network, Inc.
PLEASE NOTE .....The Jay Program has been designed for your full participation, which means, moving through the program and a pace comfortable to you. Read everything, play every video, participate in the questions...slow down, only YOU will see the honesty and willingness.
I guarantee this program can assist you in any conflict or circumstance.
Make yourself the promise and JAY will assist you.
"Have you ever thought......I would like things to be different or........ if I keep on thinking this way, I might remain stuck ??? Do you sometimes have the feeling that without more new ideas and action........ it could get worse and not better?"
JAY has been designed to help you focus on a destination, which can be an obstacle or joy, and give you more power to realize your positive potential.
All you have to do is "JUST ASK WHY or (JAY)".... when you have decisions that could be unsafe or not in your best interest. When you turn your thoughts inward there is little that can hold you back.
Don't chase your tail. Just ask why or (JAY)
Using JAY you actually turn your thoughts, or gut feeling (intuitive thinking from the heart) inward and sincere bounty full solutions just appear.
JAY. Follow your gut, act on a sudden inspiration, and follow your heart not your brain. JAY.
JAY = Just ASK Why when you are stuck. JAY.
Look forward to great life skills, JAY, is only one of my programs, one tool, they all make perfect sense, for action and learning.
Isn't this exciting.
I guarantee with JAY you will be super smarter, but sorry you still can't fly.
Can it be that easy if I am stuck...just ask why?
It's a leap of faith and a band of hope in the circle of life.
Follow along with words in this video from Elton John.
Sometimes the words to a song show great insight and inspiration. Enjoy.
MUSIC is vital for motivation and action.
You should never take more than you give.
It is important that we achieve the progress desired through having a PLAN. You should to realize that your SPOKES on your WHEEL of Life can change, sometimes quickly.
You can print this Wheel or create your own.
Let's discuss "The Wheel of Life"......notice that YOU are in the middle with many life spokes.
With this exercise you can visualize Balance, HOPE, and DESIRE.
Review this sample Wheel of Life.
Take the time to create your own. You define what spokes are on your wheel, and email it to me, using the CONTACT PAGE if you want to talk about it.
Working from Center
When you feel you are in the thick of things, tapping into your own inner resources will help bring strength.
When we are "in the thick of it," overwhelmed by too many things that need our attention, it's important to remember that we are never given more than we can handle.
When life's challenges make us question this, our best coping mechanism is to follow the reliable and well-known course to our calm center and anchor ourselves there.
It is for these times that we have been practicing regularly so that our mind, body, and spirit will know how to find peace within.
Even in the midst of seeming chaos, a deep breath can help us turn within to find the space to work from, the calm at the center of the storm.
Tapping into our inner resources we begin again, bringing our focus to the needs of the present moment.
Asking "why?" shifts our energy away from the task at hand.
We can seek answers to those questions once we get to the other side of the present challenge.
For now, we accept what is.
Once we have collected scattered energy and created space, inspiration will strike, help will arrive, and what seemed impossible will either become possible or we will find it has become unnecessary.
The flow of the universe and its perfect order has room to move in our lives when we get ourselves and our extraneous thoughts out of the way.
After the thick has become thin again, we have the opportunity to learn from the situation with a better idea of our true capabilities.
We can now ask ourselves the "why" questions with the goal of fine-tuning our lives.
Perhaps we have taken on more than is ours to do or made commitments out of obligation rather than insight.
It could just be the ebb and flow and life, or we may be receiving life lessons on a fast track in preparation for something wonderful to come.
But when we have a chance to make new choices, we know the best ones are made when we work from the center.
Using GlobalCent you can check out expanded intuitive thought (using your heart) for your version of the circle of life, or any subject or situation.
"Use of this new or updated information and JAY could pell you forward or even save a life".
With all the new technology we can search and share worldwide, or relax and enjoy still comfort.
JAY is designed to help you focus and achieve what you could be searching for.
Pay attention to the words and simple logic in this video.
It's amazing how we can simplify. Follow your heart.....
Let's MAKE A PLAN together in 4 steps.
Step 1. Use your desire to fuel change. Follow your heart, not your brain. Be the best that you are.
Using the JAY Program you can find that intuitive thought and your own life experiences have a definite anchor in living your happiest life potential.
Just follow the instructions and let JAY (your subconsiencs mind) help you to gather your thoughts to make the best decisions.
Follow your heart, follow you intuition, if it feels right, DO IT.
All you have to do is "JUST ASK WHY or (JAY)".... when you have decisions that could be unsafe or not in your best interest.
When you turn your thoughts inward there is little that can hold you back.
Using JAY you actually turn your thoughts inward and sincere bountyfull solutions apear.
Think about it, use JAY. Follow your gut, act on a sudden inspairation; Follow your heart. JAY.
JAY = Just ASK Why when you are stuck. JAY.
Look forward to great life skills, JAY is only one of my programs, one tool, they all make perfect sense, for action and learning. Isn't this exciting.
All you have to do is "JUST ASK WHY or (JAY)".... when you have decisions that could be unsafe or not in your best interest.
When you turn your thoughts inward there is little that can hold you back.
JAY = Just ASK Why when you are stuck. JAY.
IF YOU DO NOT ASK WHY...you will probably remain STUCK.
You have all the answers in your mind, don't ask someone to think for you....they can give suggestions, but going forward has to come to you from you.
Do the research, think, and be kind to yourself.
Look forward to great life skills, JAY is only one of GlobalCnet programs, one tool, they all make perfect sense, for action and learning.
Isn't this exciting.
JAY (or your clear decisions) can assist you in all these areas, just ask WHY. Pick out five words below, and they will be our beginning topics.
Use the Contact Page of your choice to email me.
Step 2: Take a personal inventory. Where to want extra strength and skills.
(you can use any word pictured above)
After all, remember one of our opportunities as a human being is to share information, thus everyone can Live Healthy and Happier. Rember you are an expert on yourself.
It takes plenty of roots to tower a tree, especially on a cliff.
Such is the story of our lives.
Like the wheel has spokes, the tree has roots.
Enjoy nature's power in this picture.....what are your roots?
Think about it, sample questions you can ask JAY (yourself) when you need extra strength.
JAY has your back.
Sample questions:
1. If you are trying to lose weight, ask JAY and you will find to
achieve your goal.......... NO more danish today.
2. If you are late for work again, ask yourself why...is it because
did you oversleep again?
3. If you got a speeding ticket this morning, ask why?
4. If you did not get the promotion, ask why?
5. If you wake up in the afternoon and all your money was spent
last night and your "friends" dumped you and went
somewhere because your money ran out, day after day, your
addiction borders on insanity... ask why...JAY might suggest that
you seek professional help....OK?
6. Should I have one more beer?
7. Should I be in the bad part of the city?
8. Am I rested and prepared for work today?
9. Another pity party? Go for a walk, turn on the music, why waste
your time again and again?
10. Am I SAD. What good does being sad do for you?
11. Will I ever achieve my goals? You are in charge, do the work.
12. Should I ask for help if I a such. A real good idea.
13 You fill in this blank ______________________________
Step 3: Take action. Understand your potential.
The final challenge is to take action - when something goes wrong, think about it...and do something about it.
If something goes right remember the feeling and success, it feels good.
Get the point... JAY..." just ask why" for better options...we all know right from wrong.
Be honest with yourself - just ask why.
It Is all about Connection. It is all about potential.
Use JAY.
Be your Authentic Self.
If this feels right to you do it.
Follow your intuition, your gut feeling, your heart.
Does this opportunity feel right for you, any questions or thoughts send me a webmail, Contact Page we will find answers together.
Step 4: Never stop learning.
Some other possible questions you might explore:
- 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself
- 6 Things Happy People Never Do
- 10 Painfully Obvious Truths Everyone Forgets Too Soon
- 9 Warning Signs You’re in Bad Company
- 10 Little Habits that Steal Your Happiness
- 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself
- 20 Things to Start Doing in Your Relationships
- 12 Things Successful People Do Differently
- 50 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do
- 10 Choices You Will Regret in 10 Years
- 8 Things to Remember When Everything Goes Wrong
- 30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth
- 25 Things You Need to Stop Wasting Time On
- 7 Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People
- 10 Signs it’s Time to Let Go
- 5 Ways to Stop Feeling Insecure in Your Relationships
- 10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget
- 12 Things Happy People Do Differently
- 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
- 30 Books Everyone Should Read Before Their 30th Birthday
- 18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18
- 7 Things You Should Stop Expecting from Others
- 12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free
- 10 Habits You Must Quit to Be Happy
- 19 Signs You’re Doing Better than You Think
- 60 Tiny Love Stories to Make You Smile
Step 5: Celebrate your sucess and share goodness with others.
Keep a journal.
The student becomes the teacher.
The fun of Part 5 is the party... please watch the next video on full screen, you just gotta ignite the night:
Egnite the light and let it shine bright,
just own the night.
Use JAY and think with your heart, don't "feel like a plastic bag blowing in the wind."
In Life Coaching, we will approach with JAY, or in our coaching sessions knowing your desired change and realizing
"It's always been inside of me".
With new skills and motivation this life coaching could be priceless vs/ remaining the same.
HIP, HIP, HORAW for JAY and this opportunity.
Can you see the concept that we use with JAY?
Send me a email with any questions. Do you like my style of presenation, I feel that humor and supprise is so important Contact Page .
NEVER STOP LEARNING watch these videos.
They have great messages and ideas from other professionals and experts.
Get out the popcorn, you will celebrate life with many guest stars. Share these with others, feel you best today.
We have covered a lot of information, feel free to revisit and explore Globalcnet.net anytime, and.....
This final video is 30 minutes of pure inspiration.
Get comfortable ask a friend to join you.
You can always return to this JAY Program, on www.globalcnet.net.
YES, this last video seems to be a sales tool for Fearless Soul.
Or you may believe this is a call to go to find more information, or a call to action for YOU to invest more time into understanding a PATH to becoming the BEST YOU.
Do your homework, do your rearching and understand everything you need is already within YOU.
Find new SKILLS.
Revisit this web page for re-inspiration and imagine your potential of YOU.
Believe in YOURSELF, anything can happen.
NEVER, NEVER give up.
All you have to do is "JUST ASK WHY or (JAY)".... when you have decisions that could be unsafe or not in your best interest. When you turn your thoughts inward, using your heart, there is little that can hold you back.
Using JAY you actually turn your thoughts inward and sincere bountyfull solutions apear.
Think about iy, use JAY. Follow your gut, act on sudden inspairation; Follow your heart.
JAY = Just ASK Why when you are stuck. JAY.
Look forward to great life skills, JAY is only one of my programs, one tool, they all make perfect sense, for action and learning.
Isn't this exciting.
Complete these lessons, pick out your five topics, if you have any questions or comments contact me personally by webmail Contact Page or email at globalcnet@gmail.com.
We will discus all opportunities, it's up to you, find the courage to achieve your potential.
Mapping The Inner Journey
Journaling offers a way to unburden your mind, keep dreams alive, and spark the seed of creativity.
Of the countless forms of meditation we can use, journaling offers its own unique benefits.
Most meditations help empty the mind of concerns and bring positive ideas from our mental landscape, but journaling helps us anchor that experience in the material world.
Not every person is attracted to meditating in seated silence, and journal meditation is a nice alternative as an active meditation.
It allows us to trace our journey and see where we have grown and what lessons we may be repeating.
By employing a different part of the brain than creative or inspired thought, writing or typing a journal can create a greater sense of connection and union with our
physical selves and the world around us.
In working through challenges, it can be helpful to first empty all worries from our heads onto the safe pages of our journal.
Fears can be brought to light rather than allowing them to haunt the dark corners of our subconscious.
We may even feel heaviness dissipate once our heads are free from clutter, leaving space for inspiration and the creation of positive images in their place.
Often in the process of writing out all the details of an event that troubles us, something that had been forgotten will come to the surface, providing a missing piece of the puzzle.
Then we can truly begin to come up with answers, and write them down beside the worries to map the way from concern to constructive thought.
For capturing guidance and flashes of inspiration, journaling is ideal.
This is especially true in the case of dreams, which often fade as we awaken.
While working toward goals, keeping track of progress as well as guidance from readings or divination tools can be encouraging.
Though it can be difficult to keep all of our guidance in the front of our minds, if we write it down it can serve as a reminder whenever we need it.
We can also use our journals to converse with our higher selves or even the universe. Journaling offers yet another way to unburden mind and spirit, while also creating a record of the present and preserving our hopes and dreams for the future.
It has been my pleasure with my gratitude for letting me share with you the Jay project. JUST ASK WHY has work for me, my family, and with commitment it can work for also you, JAY.
It is my challenge to take JAY worldwide.
Please share JAY with your freieds and family'
Michael Malette
Credentials and Resume of Michael Malette
Thank you for visiting JAY. You can find even more information on my Life Coach web page, click here.
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Making New Friends Bad Habits Immune System Alternative Staying Healthy
Cancer, AIDS and other Crital Health Conditions What is Disease Toxic Overload
Distress Unbalanced Energy Healing the Total Person Holistic Lifestyle Suggestions
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