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Rejuvenate Your Spirit: 10 Ways to Find Your Center


The simple notion of seeking quality will help us eliminate and recognize that which is not. This is how we find our center.
Dr. Sherrie Campbell is the author of Loving Yourself and is a licensed Psychologist with more than nineteen years of clinical training and experience. She provides practical tools to help people overcome obstacles to self-love and truly achieve an empowered life. Click here to get her free article on Five Ways to Make Love the Common Ground in Your Communication. She is a featured expert on a variety of national websites and has a successful practice in Southern California. Receive free insights from Sherrie and to be involved in her Facebook community of others looking to improve their relationship. For more information visit
Visit a 11 slide show by clicking here.


The simple notion of seeking quality will help us eliminate and recognize that which is not. This is how we find our center.
RFinding your center is of the upmost importance to sustaining a healthy life. We all desire to know who we are and to feel deeply grounded in that. Having a sense of being centered gives us stability and a strong carriage of composure, purpose and direction.
Finding your center is of the upmost importance to sustaining a healthy life. We all desire to know who we are and to feel deeply grounded in that. Having a sense of being centered gives us stability and a strong carriage of composure, purpose and direction.
Finding your center is of the upmost importance to sustaining a healthy life. We all desire to know who we are and to feel deeply grounded in that. Having a sense of being centered gives us stability and a strong carriage of composure, purpose and direction.
How to Rejuvenate Yourself
  1. Take a break. In some cases, you may be able to take a break and walk away from a stressful situate. ...
  2. Learn breathing techniques. Take a deep breath and hold it for 5 seconds. ...
  3. Get away. ...
  4. Pamper yourself. ...
  5. Disconnect yourself. ...
  6. Reassess your life. ...
  7. Research various relaxation tips.
How do I rejuvenate my body?
Here are some tips to support your body and mind and ease you into the season of new growth and beginnings.
  1. Cleanse. ...
  2. Fast. ...
  3. Juice fast. ...
  4. Eat whole foods. ...
  5. Eat & drink your greens. ...
  6. Take your probiotics. ...
  7. Eat foods to aid seasonal allergies. ...
  8. Exercise & sweat.


How can I rejuvenate my brain?
Here are some more brain-based tips that can work wonders for rejuvenating your mind:
  1. Buy a good office chair, or get a standing desk. ...
  2. Do not multitask. ...
  3. Use all your senses. ...
  4. Don't make too many decisions in one day. ...
  5. Take a quick break every 20 minutes. ...
  6. Work with your own circadian rhythms.


How can I rejuvenate my skin?
Method 2 Applying Moisturizing Masks
  1. Make a honey and lemon skin rub. Lemon juice is an excellent skin rejuvenator that helps reduce age spots. ...
  2. Make a hydrating cucumber face mask. ...
  3. Make an exfoliating papaya mask. ...
  4. Make a rejuvenating green tea mask.


How to Rejuvenate Yourself
  1. Take a break. In some cases, you may be able to take a break and walk away from a stressful situate. ...
  2. Learn breathing techniques. Take a deep breath and hold it for 5 seconds. ...
  3. Get away. ...
  4. Pamper yourself. ...
  5. Disconnect yourself. ...
  6. Reassess your life. ...
  7. Research various relaxation tips.


Relaxing the mind
  1. Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. ...
  2. Soak in a warm bath.
  3. Listen to soothing music.
  4. Practice mindful meditation. The goal of mindful meditation is to focus your attention on things that are happening right now in the present moment. ...
  5. Write. ...
  6. Use guided imagery
Part 1 Lifestyle Changes
  1. Exercise. Exercise is important at all ages, but it can be especially helpful once you reach your 50s. ...
  2. Stress less and lighten up. Stress can create more wrinkles and general wear on your skin.
  3. Fix your posture. ...
  4. Exfoliate. ...
  5. Moisturize your skin and lips. ...
  6. Protect your skin. ...
  7. Quit smoking


Relaxing the mind
  1. Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. ...
  2. Soak in a warm bath.
  3. Listen to soothing music.
  4. Practice mindful meditation. The goal of mindful meditation is to focus your attention on things that are happening right now in the present moment. ...
  5. Write. ...
  6. Use guided imagery.


Method 1 Using Immediate Calming Techniques
  1. Stop what you're doing. One of the best ways to calm down is to stop interacting with what's upsetting you. ...
  2. Re-focus your senses. ...
  3. Breathe. ...
  4. Relax your muscles. ...
  5. Distract yourself. ...
  6. Use self-soothing behaviors. ...
  7. Use soothing touch.


Here are seven easy ways to stop feeling angry.
  1. Exercise. Anger is - at base - an energy that expresses itself in and through the body. ...
  2. Use your anger as motivation to make a change. ...
  3. Watch or listen to something funny. ...
  4. Shift your focus. ...
  5. Meditate. ...
  6. Do something — anything! — ...
  7. Write it out.
Here are 11 things you should do in the 15 minutes before a job interview:
  1. Stay calm. ...
  2. Arrive early, but don't go inside. ...
  3. Be friendly to all receptionists and security guards. ...
  4. Decide on one or two things you want to be remembered for. ...
  5. Stop rehearsing. ...
  6. Breathe. ...
  7. Focus on your posture.