
  the power of the tude



GlobalCnet is a collection of original thought, clical trials and found expert advise. We assembled most everything here, all in one place, to add variety and inspiration to YOU for your education, skills and desires.  When you click on a link observe all the other articles and information available to you, copy what you need.  GlobalCnet connects you.


The original authors, like Harvard University, MedNet, You Tube,, Readers Digest and hundreds of other web sites have written, published and illustrated information for your benefit and personal growth.  GlobalCnet Connected you.  It is my hope that you use all information for your personal growth goals.  Share everything with others.


Some of the below links may present the ability to buy a product.  GlobalCnet is passing this vital information to you, connecting you, with no profit.  The informat is vital to living happier and healthier.  If you purchase, and I hope you consider such, you are buying from the direct source.  Enjoy...and be healthier.


We cannot do what we use to do

and expect different results!



As we increase our intuitive awareness of who we are, we can further realize and understand better, thei”  .... which is defined as personal motivation, or our self worth.


With a workshop on the use of tude words in our life situations, (examples: attitude, gratitude...), we can visualize and further define our beliefs, habits and activity.  This realization gives us strength and guidance for a perceived or required change.


Futhermore, with this improved awareness and confidence, we can build our experienced, or acquire new Skills.  Directionally, we can quickly achieve significant personal and professional change, with a solid escalation.


Confidentally, by defining and accepting responsibility, starting right now, and intentional use of our intuitive thinking, we could enjoy increased self esteem and prosperity.


In using itudeSkills interactive programs, we can discover the opportunity to release, realize, clearify change and broaden our possibilities.  This all part of understanding our Life Purpose.



Feel it.  Know it.  Do it

8 letter words containing tude
  • attitude.
  • altitude.
  • latitude.
  • solitude.
  • aptitude.
  • finitude.
  • quietude.
  • habitude.





What is a great attitude?
A positive attitudeis the guide to leading a positive life. ... If you're feeling down and having a particularly negative outlook on the way things are going, just remember that attitude is everything and a positive attitude will lead you out of the darkest of times.Apr 3, 2013


What is meant by showing attitude?
It is generally used to mean that you behave somewhat arrogantly or disrespectfully showing off your ego. Do you have an attitude? When we hear that question we generally think of someone with a negative outlook on a particular topic, thing or person. This is witnessed all the time. 


The four basic types of attitudes and behaviours that are positive, negative and neutral.
  • Positive Attitude: This is one type of attitude in organisational behaviour. ...
  • Negative Attitude: A negative attitude is something that each and every person should avoid. ...
  • Neutral Attitude: ...
  • Sikken Attitude:

4 Different Types Of Attitudes and Mindsets That You Should Know ...


What is importance of attitude?

They do not form overnight but rather, throughout the course of one's life. Moreover, certain attitudes create a negative impact to one's life and may even cause it to fall apart. This is why it is an important task for each person to help themselves take on the proper attitude direction.


What is your attitude?

Attitude means a way of looking at things or point of view. Attitude is a reflection, our attitude to life determines life's attitude to us. This simply means we shape our own lives. Successful people have a good attitude towards themselves, they expect to succeed more than they fail.






A practical guide to gratitude

(so you can see and think differently)

In a stuck moment, it’s hard to see positive forces when obstacles are blaring and fears are looming. This is a good time to be grateful. Not grateful for what has us stuck, but appreciating what doesn’t. Gratitude helps us see our situation in a way that can lessen panic and open up our thinking to new solutions.

Thing is, people aren’t hardwired to be grateful. And, like any skill worth having, gratitude requires practice. There are three stages, says Dr. Robert Emmons, author of "Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier": recognizing what we’re grateful for, acknowledging it, and appreciating it. Simple, right? And the benefits of practicing gratitude can be life altering.


Gratitude puts situations into perspective. When we can see the good as well as the bad, it becomes more difficult to complain and stay stuck.


Gratitude helps us realize what we have. The awareness of what we're grateful for can lessen our tendency to want more all the time.


Gratitude makes us happier. Gratitude strengthens relationships, improves health, reduces stress, and, in general, makes us happier, according to Dr. Emmons, who explains his research in this video.



9 ways to cultivate gratitude

1  Notice your day-to-day world from a point of gratitude and be amazed at all the goodness we take for granted.


2  Keep a gratitude journal. All it requires is noting one or more things you are grateful for on a daily basis. No fancy notebook, no computer program required.


3  If you identify something or someone with a negative trait (the cold conference room), switch it in your mind to a positive trait (the conference room with a great view).


4  Gratitude requires humility, which the dictionary defines as being "modest and respectful." Explore where it fits in your life.


5  Give at least one compliment daily, whether directly to a person or by sharing your appreciation of something ("I love how quiet it is in the morning, don’t you?").


6  When you find yourself in a bad situation ask: What can I learn? When I look back on this, without emotion, what will I be grateful for?


7  Vow to not complain, criticize, or gossip for a week. If you slip, rally your willpower and keep going. Notice how much energy you were spending on negative thoughts.


8  Sound genuinely happy to hear from the people who call you on the phone. Whether they respond with surprise or delight, they'll feel valued.


9  Join a cause that's important to you. Donate money, time, or talent. By getting involved, you’ll better appreciate the organization — and it will appreciate you more, too.


The power of paying a compliment


When Mark Twain said, “I can live two months on a good compliment,” he only told half the story. While the person who receives the praise enjoys feeling noticed and valued (and is motivated to do more of the same), the giver can also bask in the connection. With every compliment given, a bond is strengthened, trust is built, and conversation encouraged. Potent stuff!

Here are five dos and don’ts to make the most of giving and receiving of admiration:


1.) DO be genuine. False praise is easy to spot, and it undermines your trustworthiness.

2.) DON’T give back-handed compliments, such as “You throw a ball well
for a girl.”

3.) DO be as specific as possible. Vague: “I like how you redid your living room.” Specific: “I like the color choice of your living room walls. It’s a perfect accent with the rug and drapes.”

4.) DON’T brush off a compliment given to you. It’s like returning a gift.

5.) DO smile and say thank-you when you receive a compliment.


Gratitude gizmos

Special equipment isn’t necessary for practicing gratitude — the real work goes on in your head and heart. But if using a tool is helpful, go for it. Here are a handful of apps and websites that specialize in appreciation.

Gratitude Revealed: Filmmaker Louie Schwarzberg explores the many sides of being thankful in 15 gorgeous videos.

Grateful: A Gratitude Journal: This iOS app offers daily prompts to get you in the habit of expressing what you’re thank for. To get you thinking, the app greets with a question. Apps that encourage you to write at least five good things daily, add photos, and rate the day.

The Gratitude Jar: This site lets you share what you’re grateful for with the world and view others’ gratitude statements for inspiration.

Red Stamp: This iOS app will send personalized cards and notes any way you like: email, text, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and paper mail.


Related advice





scope for freedom of action or thought.
"journalists have considerable latitude in criticizing public figures"

synonyms:freedom, scope, leeway, space, breathing space, flexibility, liberty, independence, free rein, license, room to maneuver, elbow room, wiggle room, freedom of action

"he gave them a lot of latitude"



Ten Ways to Make Your Time Matter

Accepting our mortality helps us let go of busyness and focus on what’s most important to us in order to live a happier, more meaningful life.

By Oliver Burkeman


The average human lifespan is absurdly, terrifyingly finite.

If you’re lucky and you live to 80, you will have lived about four thousand weeks.

This truth, which most of us ignore most of the time, is something to wrestle with if we want to spend our limited time on this earth well.



Given that, it follows that time management, broadly defined, should be everyone’s chief concern.

Yet the modern discipline of time management (or productivity) is depressingly narrow-minded, focused on devising the perfect morning routine or trying to crank through as many tasks as possible while investing all your energy on reaching some later state of well-being and accomplishment.

It ignores the fact that the world is bursting with wonder—and that experiencing more of that wonder may come at the cost of productivity.


As a recovering “productivity geek,” I know how it feels to become swept up in the idea of discovering the perfect system of time management.

But I was eventually forced to accept that my struggles to achieve a sense of perfect control or mastery of my time were counterproductive, leading not to a life of more meaning but one of more overwhelm and stress.

I came to see that I needed to give up the quest for that kind of control, letting go of the impossible goal of becoming perfectly efficient and embracing my limitations instead, so as to make more time for what was really valuable.


Part of that embrace of limitation involves facing the anxiety that comes with acknowledging mortality.

When we recognize the shortness of life—and accept the fact that some things have to be left unaccomplished, whether we like it or not—we are freer to focus on what matters.

Rather than succumbing to the mentality of “better, faster, more,” we can embrace being imperfect, and be happier for it.


Here are 10 suggestions I make in my book, Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, about how to live with your limited time in mind.


1. Adopt a “fixed volume” approach to productivity

We all need to make tough choices about what we can realistically get done, so that we can prioritize the activities that matter most, instead of reacting to a constant barrage of demands.


One way is to keep two to-do lists—one for everything on your plate, one for the 10 or fewer things that you’re currently working on.

Fill up the 10 slots on the second list with items from the first, then set to work.

The rule is not to move any further items from the first list onto the second until you’ve freed up a slot by finishing one of the 10 items.

A related strategy is to set a pre-established time boundary for certain types of daily work—for example, to resolve to write from 8 to 11 a.m.—and to make sure you stop when time’s up.


2. Serialize

Focus only on one big project at a time.

Though it’s alluring to try to alleviate the anxiety of having too many responsibilities or ambitions by getting started on them all at once, you’ll make little progress that way.

Multitasking rarely works well—and you’ll soon find that serializing helps you to complete more projects anyway, thereby helping relieve your anxiety.


3. Decide in advance what to fail at

You’ll inevitably underachieve at something, simply because your time and energy are finite.

But strategic underachievement—nominating in advance areas of your life in which you won’t expect excellence—helps you focus your time and energy more effectively.

For example, you might decide in advance that it’s OK to have a cluttered kitchen while you finish your novel, or to do the bare minimum on a particular work project, so you can spend more time with your children.

To live this way is to replace the high-pressure quest for work-life balance with something more reasonable: a deliberate kind of imbalance.


4. Focus on what you’ve already completed, not just what’s left to do

Since the quest to get everything done is interminable by definition, it’s easy to grow despondent and self-reproachful when you can’t get through your whole to-do list.

One counter-strategy is to keep a “done list,” which starts empty first thing in the morning, but which you can gradually fill in throughout the day as you get things done.

It’s a cheering reminder that you could have spent the day doing nothing remotely constructive…yet you didn’t.


5. Consolidate your caring

Social media is a giant machine for getting you to spend your time caring about the wrong things—and too many of them at once.

We’re exposed to an unending stream of atrocities and injustices, each of which might have a legitimate claim on our time and our charitable donations, but which add up to something no human could ever effectively address comprehensively.

Once you grasp that fact fully, it’s good to consciously pick your battles in charity, activism, and politics—and devote your spare time only to those specific causes. Focus your capacity for care, so you don’t burn out.


6. Embrace boring and single-purpose technology

Digital distractions allow us to escape to a realm where painful human limitations don’t seem to apply: scrolling idly around online, you need never feel bored or constrained in your freedom of action, which isn’t the case when it comes to doing work that matters.


You can combat this by making your devices as boring as possible, removing social media apps and if you dare, email.

It’s also helpful to choose devices with only one purpose, such as the Kindle reader.

Otherwise, temptations will be only a swipe away, and you’ll feel the urge to check your screens anytime you’re bored or facing a challenge in your work.


7. Seek out novelty in the mundane

Time seems to speed up as we age, likely because our brains encode the passage of years based on how much information we process in any given interval.

While children have many novel experiences and time, therefore, seems slower to them, the routinization of older people’s lives means that time seems to pass at an ever-increasing rate.


The standard advice is to combat this by cramming more novel experiences into your life.

That can help, but it’s not always practical.

An alternative is to pay more attention to every moment, however mundane—to find novelty by plunging more deeply into your present life.

Try going on unplanned walks to see where they lead you, taking up drawing or birdwatching, or playing “I Spy” with a child—whatever draws your attention into the moment more fully.


8. Be a researcher in relationships

The desire to feel in control of our limited time causes numerous problems in relationships, resulting not only in controlling behavior, but also commitment-phobia, the inability to listen, boredom, and missing out on the richness of communal experiences with others.


When faced with a challenging or boring moment in a relationship, try being curious about the person you’re with, rather than controlling.

Curiosity is a stance well-suited to the inherent unpredictability of life with others because it can be satisfied by their behaving in ways you like or dislike—whereas if you demand a certain result instead, you’ll often be frustrated.


9. Cultivate instantaneous generosity

Whenever a generous impulse arises in your mind, give in to it right away rather than putting it off.


Don’t wait to figure out if the recipient deserves your generosity or if you really have the time to be generous right now (with all of the work you have left to do!).

Just do it. The rewards are immediate, too, because generous action reliably makes you feel much happier.


10. Practice doing nothing

This essay is adapted from <a href=“”><em>Four Thousand Weeks</em></a>, published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. This essay is adapted from Four Thousand Weeks, published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved.

When it comes to the challenge of using your four thousand weeks well, the capacity to do nothing is indispensable, because if you can’t bear the discomfort of not acting, you’re far more likely to make poor choices with your time, such as attempting to hurry activities that can’t be rushed, or feeling you ought to spend every moment being “productive,” regardless of whether the tasks in question really matter.


Doing nothing means resisting the urge to manipulate your experience or the people and things in the world around you, and letting things be as they are.

You can try the “do-nothing” meditation, where you set a timer for 5-10 minutes and then try doing nothing; if you catch yourself doing something—thinking, say, or even just focusing on your breath—gently let go of doing it.

As you keep letting go, you’ll increase your ability to do nothing, and gradually regain your autonomy. You’ll no longer be so motivated by the attempt to evade how reality feels here and now; instead, you’ll learn to calm down, and to make better choices with your brief allotment of life.